Web Developer
AI Musician Content Generator
Generate and optimize content for musicians using our AI-powered tool. Perfect for creating engaging social media posts and promotional material.
- React
- Python
- OpenAI
- Heroku

Trivia Time
Trivia Game with over thousands of questions from trivia-time-api. Made with a responsive design for mobile devices.
- Javascript
- Regex

Blockchain Consultant

Greens Token
Whitepaper author, DEX Consultant
- Gitbook
- Excel
- Tokenomics
- Liquidity Pool

Good Charlotte
Founding member, bass player, more than 11 million records sold worldwide
- Logic
- Photoshop
- Pro Tools
- Ableton

Sain't Paul
An audiovisual exploration of darkness and serenity
- Built Website
- Song Writing
- Mixing
- Mastering
- Video Content
- Managed Distribution
- Tradional and Blockchain

My Toolkit

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As a Good Charlotte founding member and tech enthusiast with a U.C. Berkeley Applied Mathematics degree, I bring a unique perspective to digital solutions and positive energy to team environments.
Let's make something great together.
Paul T.